rhea sharma

Founder Message

GPSF GLOBAL (Guruji Pushpa Sai Foundation Global) is an initiative to help women navigate their lives through mental, spiritual and physical advocacy, education and support.

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Rhea Shar

GPSF Global is my vision to bridge societal divides and provide holistic & clinical support for women who have faced mental, physical, and sexual trauma, drug & alcohol addiction. Recognizing the unmet needs of survivors, I founded this nonprofit to offer comprehensive assistance and empower them towards self-sufficiency. With personal experiences driving my advocacy, I aim to create a global network fostering resilience, healing, and empowerment. GPSF Global is not just a nonprofit; it's a lifeline for those navigating the aftermath of hitting rock-bottom, reflecting my commitment to social justice and a world where survivors can rebuild and thrive.

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GPSF Global is at the forefront of combating drug addiction, offering comprehensive support and resources to those in need. We recognize that drug addiction is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach, addressing not only the physical dependency but also the underlying emotional and psychological factors driving the addiction.

Their treatment programs are tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual, providing a combination of evidence-based therapies, counseling, medication-assisted treatment, and holistic modalities.

GPSF Global is a beacon of hope for individuals grappling with trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). We understand that trauma can have profound and lasting effects on a person's mental and emotional well-being, often leading to debilitating symptoms such as anxiety, flashbacks, and hypervigilance.

One of the cornerstones of GPSF Global's approach is evidence-based therapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), which helps individuals identify and challenge negative thought patterns and develop healthy coping mechanisms. Additionally, We offer other forms of therapy, such as interpersonal therapy (IPT) or dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), depending on the individual's needs and preferences.

Safe Haven Sanctuary" is a comprehensive program offered by GPSF Global to support individuals affected by physical abuse. It serves as a refuge for survivors, providing a nurturing and empowering environment where we can heal and rebuild your lives free from fear and violence.

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Hear what others have to say...

client success stories


Mary Moreno

Actress & TV Host

The Begining

”Dui te m civilis eodem qui M magnis eum in quae ab ante, hic quo dis. Magna per aut propositum – per esse utinam gordius.”

After the program

“Dicit promoveram belgos sunt ante qui posteritatem quia minus luptatum incidunt porro bcatissimae.


Jackie Lauber

USLA Student


“Clari personarum omnium duis odio vel charitativum sequi criminis dimidium assum practicatum.

Complete Change

“Alias proponendo axioma sunt orci aut posteritatem ipsa ese metus ultrices insultus rerum certissimum.


Christina Miller

Journalist & Radio Host

At the start

“Minim conserrare nemine iure nibh vel ulterioribus quia lorem inaudasda a asde ito solatium eorum consternati.

How I feel now

“Dicit promoveram belgos sunt ante qui posteritatem quia mus luptatum incidunt porro bcatissimae.



Minim conserrare nemine iure nibhvel ulterioribus quia lorem inaudito sol eorum.



Nulla conserrare beatae iure minimum posteritatem eget atque privatis hic parum.



Clari kopenhagen partes eius aspirat abdicationis fuga facer incidunt dui saepe.